Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sewing Machine donations help teenage mothers learn a trade

As Peter Ndelo said, "It has been a practical day for newly teenage mother trainees. They were asked by their instructor each to make a dress for their babies and most of them managed to do this. It was a special day for them also to get new sewing machines donated by ThinkHumanity.org. Esther Akello, the leader of the women, had to intereact with the ladies and also advised them to use the opportunity of this skill life training."

The Acholi women wish to purchase 20 sewing machines for training. So far they have purchased seven, two of which were donated by Think Humanity. Think Humanity will be donating two more this week. The money was donated from Peace Community Church of the Brethren in Windsor, Colorado.

If you wish to donate to the teenage mothers so that they can learn a tailoring trade, you can donate to Think Humanity and we will see that they receive the donation. Each treadle sewing machine (manually powered) is $80.